Dr. B. F. L. Ward
Distinguished Professor of Physics
Baylor>Physics>Faculty and Staff>Faculty Directory>Dr. B. F. L. Ward
Dr. B. F. L. Ward
- Ph.D. - Physics, Princeton University - 1973
- M.A. - Physics, Princeton University - 1971
- B.S. - Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology - 1970
- B.S. - Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology - 1970
Dr. Ward joined the Baylor faculty as Distinguished Professor of Physics and the Chair of the Physics Department in August, 2003 and he remains at Baylor as Distinguished Professor of Physics. Prior to coming to Baylor he taught at University of Tennessee, Knoxville (1986-2003), Purdue University (1975-1978) and Princeton University (1973); he was a theoretical post-doctoral research associate at SLAC (1973-1975) and a visiting scientist at SLAC from 1978 - 2002. He has been a regular Short-Term Visitor to the TH Division, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, during 1986 - 2014. He obtained his B.Sc. degrees in mathematics and physics from MIT prior to receiving his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in physics from Princeton University. He was a Visiting Professor at the Werner-Heisenberg-Institut, Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik, Munich, Germany during 2001 - 2002. During 2010 - 2011 he was a Long-Term Visitor to the CERN TH Unit on sabbatical leave from Baylor. He is a Fellow in the American Physical Society and is currently Associate Editor of Open Physics Journal. He has international collaborations with colleagues in Germany, Poland, Russia and India. His hobbies include listening to music, watching/playing sports, and travelling.
Research Interests
Courses Taught
PHY 4374 - Introduction to Relativistic Quantum Mechanics
PHY 5330 - Electromagnetic Theory I
PHY 5331 - Electromagnetic Theory II
PHY 5370 -Quantum Mechanics I
PHY 5371 -Quantum Mechanics II
PHY 6373 -Quantum Field Theory I
PHY 6374 -Quantum Field Theory II
PHY 6375 -Quantum Field Theory III
Recent Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Research Associates
- Graduate Students
- Chehyon Shio (1994)
- Michael Melles (1995)
- Samuel J. Joseph (2009)
- Aditi Mukhopadhyay (2014)
- Postdoctoral Research Associates
- Swapan Majhi (2005-2008)
- Chris Glosser (2002-2004)
- Wieszek Placzek (1994-1997)
- Sun Kim (1994-1996)
- Maciej Skrzypek (1991-1994)
- Scott Yost (1991-2002)
- George Siopsis (1991-1993)
Recent Publications
Phenomenological Study of the Interplay between IR-Improved DGLAP-CS Theory and the Precision of an NLO ME Matched Parton Shower MC
with S. Majhi, A. Mukhopadhyay, S.A. Yost, Ann. Phys. 350, 485-500 (2014). arXiv:1305.0023
An Estimate of Λ in Resummed Quantum Gravity in the Context of Asymptotic Safety,
Phys. Dark Univ. 2, 97-109 (2013). arXiv:1008.1046
New Approach to Parton Shower MC's for Precision QCD : HERWIRI1.0(31),
with S. Joseph, S. Majhi, S.A. Yost, Phys. Rev. D 81, 076008 (2010). arXiv:1001.1434
Hypergeometric functions, their e expansions and Feynman diagrams,
with M. Yu. Kalmykov, B. A. Kniehl, S.A. Yost, published in Proc. Quarks-08. arXiv:0810.3238
Towards Exact Quantum Loop Results in the Theory of General Relativity,
Open Nucl. Part. Phys. J. 2, 1-16 (2009). hep-ph/0607198
IR-Improved DGLAP Theory: Kernels, Parton Distributions, Reduced Cross Sections,
Ann. of Phys. 323 (2008) 2147. arXiv: 0707.3424
Quark Masses and Resummation in Precision QCD Theory,
Phys. Rev. D78 (2008) 056001. arXiv:0707.2101