Society of Physics Students
At Baylor, the Society of Physics Students meets monthly and promotes student and faculty involvement through activities such as the annual Fall Physics Picnic, Friday Morning Doughnuts, making breakfast for the homeless, and the annual luncheon for graduating physics majors. Check out the SPS website to see pictures of events, learn how to join and find information on the meetings and officers.
The Society of Physics Students is a professional association explicitly designed for students. Membership, through collegiate chapters, is open to anyone interested in physics. The only requirement for membership is that you be interested in physics. Besides physics majors, our members include majors in chemistry, computer science, engineering, geology, mathematics, medicine, and other fields.
You can join SPS through the National SPS website.
Within SPS is housed Sigma Pi Sigma, the national physics honor society, which elects members on the basis of outstanding academic achievement. This unique two-in-one society operates within the American Institute of Physics, an umbrella organization for ten other professional science societies.