Make Up Lab Information
Students in 1405, 1407, 1408, 1409, 1420, and 1430 are allowed to miss one lab since the lowest grade is dropped. For these courses other than 1407, there is a single make up lab offered after the regular laboratory schedule ends. If you miss two of the regularly scheduled labs you may attend the make up lab so long as you have registered for it. A registration email will be sent late in the semester and a response email should be sent to which includes:
- course number (1408, 1420, etc.)
- your lab section number (A1, A2, B1, etc.)
- name of the missed experiment
- name of your TA
You will receive a confirmation email from Dr. Fier accepting your request for the make up lab.
Absences and Make Up Policy
See Laboratory Syllabus
Makeup Lab Assignments
Students who have received confirmation that they can attend the make up lab are required to print out the lab and come prepared on that day. Both the prelab and lab procedure can be found below: