Physics Experimental Labs
PHYSICS 1408/1409/1420/1430
Lab Supervisor: Dr. Jared Fier, BSB E310,
Office Hours: By appointment
The objectives of the laboratory are for you to
- Gain practical experience with concepts that are presented in lecture sections
- Gain familiarity with physical measurement equipment
- Present data and results in a clear and cogent manner
- Analyze data and draw conclusions
- Describe and calculate errors.
Required Lab Texts:
For 1408/1420: Physics 1408/1420 Lab Handbook.
For 1409/1430: Physics 1409/1430 Lab Handbook.
You must have new textbooks. Used copies will not be allowed.
Lab Safety: You are expected to be familiar with the entire safety section in the lab manual.
Lab Grades: Check your grades on Canvas frequently to ensure they are recorded correctly.
All information is common to all laboratory sections, except for the links to specific courses in the box at the right.
Experiments: Every effort has been made to construct a laboratory that is relevant to the lecture course. This does not mean, however, that the experiments are coordinated with the lecture. It is simply not possible to do this. The laboratory experiments are reasonably self-explanatory and not unduly difficult. The lab is designed to give you a perspective that is slightly different from that given in the lecture and to aid in your overall comprehension of the physical world.
Lab Information for Specific Courses
PHY 1408 PHY 1420
PHY 1409 PHY 1430